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Резующая голвка GMT-035

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Max haaratsi avatus 850 mm Max laius avatuna 950 mm Min laius suletuna 700 mm Kõrgus langetusasendis 630 mm Kõrgus laadimisasendis 500 mm Kaal 230 kg Hüdraulika Min õli vooluhulk 40 liitrit Max töörõhk 180/250 bar Saag Saeplaadi pikkus 45 mm Saekett 2 mm 404---58lüli Max lõikediameeter 350 mm Keti õli paagi suurus 2 liitrit Saemootor 10 ccm
The new felling grapple GMT035 can be used without any technical modifications on each mobile crane, truck crane or forwarder. Because of the patented valve block you do not need any additional hoses or control cables.

Felling grapple GMT 035 benefits:

•  Cost effective in the regeneration of  biomass and energy wood.
•  Fast single pass so easily be used along railways, roads, highways.
•  Suitable for wet areas and small objects.
•  Can be mounted directly on the chipper crane.
•  Large felling diameter.
•  Low weight.
•  Ability to cut trees standing or lying.
•  Unlimited rotating.
•  Easily changeable.
•  Short payback.
•  Time and money saving by the Functional work passes

As mentioned above you can see the GMT035 felling grapple has many benefits and no competitor who has the same function and opportunities as the GMT035.
Also available as an option a crane can be installed to turn off the saw function and giving you a higher clamping force .
And where you normally run into with the cutting of tall trees, now you can use our felling grapple at the maximum height (by the low weight) of your crane without needing extra hoses.
By the size and weight and the ability to either landscape or portrait to saw the felling grapple is Multifunctional and ideal for use on hard to reach places.
